Interested in helping out? We have four major areas where we could use your talents:
We have a number of events throughout the year, from our AGM to Family Day BBQ and Potluck.
Physical Resources:
There is always ongoing maintenance and cleaning of the beach area.
Welcome new home owners into our community. Maintain an updated list of emails and phone numbers.
Community Support:
Participate by attending LECA activities and presentations to City Council and City departments and supporting initiatives through CLE's Fire Smart Committee.
We have a number of events throughout the year, from our AGM to Family Day BBQ and Potluck.
Physical Resources:
There is always ongoing maintenance and cleaning of the beach area.
Welcome new home owners into our community. Maintain an updated list of emails and phone numbers.
Community Support:
Participate by attending LECA activities and presentations to City Council and City departments and supporting initiatives through CLE's Fire Smart Committee.
All volunteer support is very much appreciated. This is a large community and many hands make for lighter work. We welcome new volunteers/new ideas to help keep LECA current to the community it serves.
Contact Membership Director to add your name to the Volunteer list and how you would like to help.
Contact Membership Director to add your name to the Volunteer list and how you would like to help.